The #Parqiqi M1

A Pocket Massager

An EMS Pocket Massager for Your Whole Body

As Portable as Your Earbuds

Inspired by portable headphones, we are revolutionizing the design of traditional EMS massagers. Not only does this innovation extend battery life, but it also makes EMS training more convenient.

Sleek and Unseen Design

The M1 is a non-metallic contact EMS massager designed with a discreet, concealed style. Its accessories, including the sleeves and yoga pants, utilize advanced conductive fabric, making them easy to clean.

Robust and Enduring

The M1 has 5 modes, each with 8 levels, suitable for different ways to relax muscles in different areas.

Ideal for Fitness Enthusiasts

People who enjoy exercising need to relax their muscles, and according to EMS training, incorporating relaxation techniques is highly beneficial for both sculpting and muscle relaxation.